Ready to grow with us?

Our team is rapidly growing to meet the needs of our customers. Actively seeking qualified applicants with an enthusiastic work ethic

Supply Chain

  • Position will include managing the supply chain and inventory levels for all products within our network. This person will manage as many as four employees for the execution of inventory order and delivery.

Web Development

  • Position will include basic level html and php coding. Tasks will be assigned on an as-needed basis by our head web developer. Applicant must display a working knowledge of mysql databases.

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Why work with us?

Rapid Growth

We are growing more than 100% year over year and welcome team members looking to grow within an organization. The opportunity for upward mobility make us an ideal fit for those with an entrepeneurial mindset.

Flexible Work Location

Work from home or the office as needed. We expect team members to be available in person or telephonically when the need for strategy meetings arises. We will assign project due dates and it is up to you to set your schedule and complete tasks in a timely manner.

Increased Salary

We reward high quality work and salary is based on production. Each rung of our corporate ladder comes with a substantial pay increase as well as enhanced company benefits and the potential for profit sharing.

Flexible Scheduling

We work to understand your time commitments and obligations before determining your work load. You will be comfortable with all of your responsibilites before it is time to execute.